Monday, December 29, 2008

23 Days and Counting

Let the spinning begin! Seeing as how old Chimpy McFlightsuit is finally on his way out, his surrogates are now out in full force trying to rewrite history for the most embarrassing President of all time.

A small sampling:

"History, though, is going to be kind to [Bush] at the end." - Karl Rove

"[This generation is going to] thank this president for what he's done," - Condi Rice

"In 100 years people aren’t going to remember Guantánamo or Abu Ghraib" - John "The Walrus" Bolton

I do have to agree with Condi though. I am thankful that Bush has been so terrible that he has opened the door for us to fundamentally reshape our politics, which have been nothing but right vs. left and gridlock for the last 20 or so years. So, yeah, um, thanks Chimpy....

More details here.


irishgirlsoxfan said...

Okay, so that wasn't too difficult to register! So here are my suggestions.
Drop it Like it's Hot: Snoop Dog
You Can't Bring Me Down: Suicidal Tendencies
Any Metallica, PRE Black Album
Any Van Halen but NONE of that VanHagar bullshit!
Zappa - The "Apostrophe'" album
Hmmm, that's all I can think of right now. I'm about to consume some beers (getting myself primed) so I may have more suggestions later. Okay, toodloooo Jack John John Jack. See you tomorrow.

irishgirlsoxfan said...

HEY! This put my comment under the wrong blog! I've never even seen this one before. What the hell happened? Can you move it? It makes no sense here. What did I do wrong this time, ha ha!

dakind1 said...

i would like bel biv devo!! back it up to the 90s dude